Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Baby Wearing Wednesday!

My baby wearing journey has only just really begun. I bought a lavender Moby original wrap when I was pregnant and I was so excited to use it, but when Melody arrived and I did use it, I didn't like it. It just wasn't for me. I tried a few times and gave up, and my dream of being a baby wearing mama faded away. 
But seeing my online friends post pictures of their slings and wraps had me wanting to try again. So I bought a ring sling and a peanut shell sling, and now my journey begins.

I don't have the finances to spend the huge amount that baby wearing seems to ask of me. I see all the amazingly fancy wraps and I long for the day I can get one. But while I'm on a budget, I've come across a few places where you can get lovely ring slings for cheap.

My first adventure was on the for sale or trade pages on Facebook. These are amazing for getting some pre loved slings and wraps at reduced prices. I only had about £30 to spend that day and I got a bit over excited. I asked if anyone was selling a ring sling for around that price, expecting no one to reply, because I thought that was way too cheap. So when someone offered a black padded shoulder Liberty ring sling for £20, I jumped the gun and bought it. Only to be offered beautiful pink and patterned ones for £25-£30 afterwards!
I learnt my lesson there! Next time I'll wait to see everything that's offered. I also bought a Amy Coe peanut shell sling for £10 that arrived today, (see pics), and I'm in love!

People also commented on my post with this website for beautiful and cheap slings, wraps and carriers.

Another good place is your local sling library. I had never even heard of these until a good friend recommended to search them. I found one that was kind of close to me and my first library meet is this Friday, and I'm super excited. These give you the opportunity to borrow slings at a small cost and let's you explore each different wrap, sling and carrier, so you can get a feel for what's right for you and baby. You can also take your own carriers and wraps and they will help you use them correctly and give you any advice. 

After a couple of tries I didn't like the padded shoulder of the ring sling, so I have sold it on to a good friend. But I used the peanut shell for the first time today and I love it! I'm going to take it to the sling meet to check I'm using it correctly, but I definitely think I've found the sling for me! It's super easy for use and felt secure, and Melody absolutely loved it!

For a beginner the peanut shell is a good place to start, and even though I haven't got one personally, I've been told it's similar to the seven slings carrier. 



Every Wednesday I'll be going on little baby wearing adventures, so why don't you grab your wrap or sling and join me?


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